Recent publications


Iso & Ishikawa. Understandability of passive smoking prevention leaflets in Japan.

Yamawaki. To Rwanda from Japan, and back: “Creative Health” BODY workshops in urban and rural primary schools.

Yumiya. Association between health literacy and understanding of doctors’ explanations: The Yamagata Study.

渡部. 高校生を対象とした妊娠・出産・育児に対する意識と関連する要因〜福島県内の一高校における横断研究〜. 厚生の指標(受理)

Takimoto. Piloting KH-Coder as a curriculum assessment tool. Presented at NICE (Australia)


場所:オンライン (ZOOM)

20:00-21:00 研究検討
9月 19日 後藤
10月3日 特別報告:サフィナ(NPO TER)
10月17日 MD-PhD(磯、渡部) & 黒田
10月31日 関根
11月7日 本田
11月28日 対面懇親会 
12月5日 山脇
12月19日 吉田(一)


5月9日 ①山脇(輪読1-3章)
5月16日 ①関根(輪読4-5章)
5月30日 ②吉田(一)(留学報告・研究発表)
6月6日 ②黒田(研究発表)
6月13日 ①山脇(輪読6-7章)②山脇(予演)
6月20日 ①関根(輪読8-9章)②関根(予演)
6月27日 ①山脇(輪読10章)②小橋(研究発表)
7月4日 ①関根(輪読11章)
7月11日 ①山脇(輪読12章)②滝口(研究発表)
7月18日 ①本田(輪読13-14)

Happy Spring 2024!

Dr. Kaneko (MD-PhD) completed her short-term internship at Diponegoro University in Indonesia and passed the national board examination in Japan. She has started her internship in Shizuoka.

Mr. Takimoto (MD-PhD) presented his research at the Japan Transfusion Medicine and Cell Therapy regional conference.

Dr. Honda’s article on the ethics of disaster research has been published. She has started working as an instructor at Tohoku University.
Honda K, Abeysinghe S, Leppold C, Lloyd Williams A, Ozaki A, Goto A. Ethically researching health and disaster: Lessons from over a decade of research since the 3.11 disaster in Fukushima. Japan Medical Association Journal. 2024; 7(2): 279-281.

Dr. Yoshida’s article, which is his major achievement during the Takemi fellowship, has been published.
Yoshida K, Honda K, Goto A, Kawachi I. Collateral health effects of loneliness care in Japan. Health Services Research & Managerial Epidemiology. 2024; 11: 23333928241240970.

Dr. Kobashi presented her theory of working in the community.
Kobashi Y, Goto A, Chunhuei C. The role of stakeholder structure in fostering community ownership: A case study of community-based projects. International Journal of Health Planning and Management. 2024; 39: 593-601.

Dr. Kuroda published on the development of a helpful handbook for supporting people with mild cognitive impairment. He has received two academic awards in this field (Japan Society for Dementia Prevention and IAGG Asia/Oceania Reginal Congress) in 2023!
Kuroda Y, Goto A, Sugimoto T, Fujita K, Uchida K, Matsumoto N, Shimada H, Ohtsuka R, Yamada M, Fujiwara Y, Seike A, Hattori M, Ito G, Arai H, Sakurai T. Participatory approaches for developing a practical handbook integrating health information for supporting individuals with mild cognitive impairment and their families. Health Expect. 2023 Sep 19;27(1):e13870.

Dr. Kobashi (24K16778), Mr. Yamawaki (24K05850), and Dr. Kuroda (24K13409) received JSPS grants.

Mr. Yamawaki went to Rwanda to work on the Creative Health project. Please see the project website.

Dr. Machida came to Boston with Dr. Sone to conduct research on the national pandemic responses in February. (Photo with Harvard Chan Dean Baccarelli)

Dr. Sekine is now in Boston to work on a health literacy promotion project at an emergency department. She is actively attending seminars and writing a paper and a research proposal.

Please welcome Dr. Takiguchi, who is a pediatric psychiatrist and now doing research at McLean Hospital. He will join our lab on May 1.

Launching a new Creative Health website!

The JSPS-funded participatory school health project "Creative Health" launches a new website. Please visit to see our creative activities with children in five countries (Japan, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Rwanda). This is developed by Mr. Yuki Ohashi, a medical student at FMU.

Winter poster session

Three MD-PhD students successfully presented their research at FMU’s winter poster session. Mr. Takimoto presented about medical education, and Mr. Iso and Mr. Ishikawa presented about the accessibility of smoking prevention leaflets. These projects are co-instructed by Prof. Nollet and Dr. Kobashi. (Photos provided by Prof. Nollet)


I will start working as Takemi Taro Professor of Practice of International Community Health at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health from January 1, 2024. I will also serve as a director of the Takemi Program in International Health. Our lab at FMU will remain, and I will keep teaching students while I am in Japan during summer and midwinter. The program's 40th Anniversary events and my transition are reported here.

Dr. Yoshida joining Takemi Program at Harvard

吉田一隆先生が2023-24年の武見国際保健プログラムのフェローとして、ハーバード大学T. H. Chan公衆衛生大学院で10か月間研究に従事しています。写真は武見プログラム40周年シンポジウム(2023年10月)の際に、フェローの研究室で撮影したものです。


Happy Autumn!

Congratulations on completing the PhD program!
Honda K, Murakami M, Takebayashi Y, Sakuma J, Goto A. Uncertainty among families of patients with cerebrovascular diseases in Japan: association with quality of life and background characteristics. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2022; 34(12): 3097-3105.