Friendship agreement between University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City and Fukushima Medical University has been tied. ホーチミン市医科薬科大学と福島県立医科大学で友好協定締結。
All courses in the very first year with this new position completed successfully thanks to great collaboration of guest lecturers and active participation of students. 異動して初年度の講義・演習終了。ご協力いただいた講師の皆様、熱心に参加した学生の皆様、ありがとうございました。
I am serving as an editorial committee member of Ministry of Environment's handbook for evacuees who are planning to return home. The book will soon be published in March! (Picture from Dentsu building where the editorial meeting was held.) 環境省の事業で、福島県で故郷に帰る方々向けの手引書の作成に協力。ヘルスリテラシーの視点を取り入れました。3月出版!
Two health literacy workshops were carried out in Koriyama and Fukushima. The next one will be at FMU. 郡山市と福島市でヘルスリテラシー研修を実施。次回は医大。