Welcome and updates

It is my great pleasure to officially announce that the group of International Community Health course has grown. New members are Ms. Hiroko Sato (PhD course), Ms. Nanae Chiba, Ms. Fumiko Fujita and Ms. Luna Kinoshita (MD-PhD program). 国際地域保健学の仲間が3人増えました!

The next Epidemiological Research Training Course in Vietnam will be held from August 5th to 8th. This time, we invite Prof. Takashi Otani (Nagoya University) to teach qualitative research. 次回のベトナムでの研修会は8月5-8日です。今回は質的研究も習えます。

In this fiscal year, we will organize health literacy, data analysis, project management, and parenting workshops for health professionals and residents. Pictures are participants' discussion outputs from an international MCH workshop at Tohoku University. (Exercises: Comparison of existing and new data for community diagnosis, steps to take when importing a model program)

Newly printed health literacy booklets have arrived! Please contact me if you need one to improve your communication with residents and patients. ヘルスリテラシーのツール集改訂版をお使いになりたい方はご連絡ください。