Planning for autumn 2017

In collaboration with Lancaster University, we will work, again, with children in Fukushima to discuss about community. As related activities, local schools invited us to organize classes on parenting and empowerment. Dr. Alison Lloyd Williams, who is a PI of the project, will also teach a series of sociology lectures at FMU. (Will call for participation)

Lancaster University's Cuidar project website
Fukushima Dialogue Meeting: Children discuss ‘what do we need for our future?’

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時間:木曜日 16:30-18:00

10月  5日 後藤
10月12日 村上
10月19日 樫村
10月26日 新井
11月 2日 石井
11月9日 吉田
11月16日 弓屋
12月 7日 渡邉
※7日18-19 アリソン先生のワークショップ "Snakes and Ladders:震災時の子どもの視点を学ぶ"
12月14日 佐藤
12月21日 柏崎
 1月11日  渡邉
 1月18日  村上
 1月25日  竹林


Summer 2017

Major activities
 ・ Research training course for physicians in Vietnam
 ・ Health education for elementary school students in Cambodia
 ・ EBM promotion TOT in Japan for Vietnamese physicians
Thank you for supports of everyone involved!

vietnam 1.JPG

Research Training in Vietnam

Call for participation! Registration form added below (July 19).
Further information is available in the project website.

Health literacy for health professionals & summer activities

Here is a list of our recent publications on health literacy promotion for health professionals.
HL workshop planning and implementation
HL workshop evaluation (one-month)
HL workshop evaluation (one-year)
Seizon Kagaku 2016; 27(2): 191-208.
HL overview
HL tools in JPN

In August, one graduate student (Mr. Yoshida) will be working in Cambodia and another student (Ms. Watanabe) in Vietnam.
Health promotion activity with children at CJFS School!/2013/04/blog-post.html
EBM promotion for physicians (JICA)

Expanding the work with children
The project with Lancaster University on discussing with children about community development is on-going and expanding. Before Dr. Lloyd William's return visit to Fukushima (Nov 2017), I had a chance to meet with those children whom we worked with last year.

Welcome and updates

It is my great pleasure to officially announce that the group of International Community Health course has grown. New members are Ms. Hiroko Sato (PhD course), Ms. Nanae Chiba, Ms. Fumiko Fujita and Ms. Luna Kinoshita (MD-PhD program). 国際地域保健学の仲間が3人増えました!

The next Epidemiological Research Training Course in Vietnam will be held from August 5th to 8th. This time, we invite Prof. Takashi Otani (Nagoya University) to teach qualitative research. 次回のベトナムでの研修会は8月5-8日です。今回は質的研究も習えます。

In this fiscal year, we will organize health literacy, data analysis, project management, and parenting workshops for health professionals and residents. Pictures are participants' discussion outputs from an international MCH workshop at Tohoku University. (Exercises: Comparison of existing and new data for community diagnosis, steps to take when importing a model program)

Newly printed health literacy booklets have arrived! Please contact me if you need one to improve your communication with residents and patients. ヘルスリテラシーのツール集改訂版をお使いになりたい方はご連絡ください。



照井、他.日本における性的児童虐待の近年の動向.厚生の指標 2017; 64: 22-26.



16:30-18:00 修士・博士合同 輪読と抄読
18:00-19:00 博士中心(修士も参加歓迎) 研究検討

奥田千恵子 研究デザインに合わせた統計手法の選び方 金芳堂

5月 11日 村上研究概論(-)[-]
5月18日 後藤研究概論(-)[吉田、石井]
5月25日 福島医学会学術研究集会
6月 8日  (廣瀨/渡邊) [弓屋]
6月15日  (秦/紺野) [小林]
6月22日  (高橋/鈴木) [樫村]
6月29日  (鈴木/高橋) [渡邉 ]
7月 6日  (紺野/秦) [新井]
7月13日  (渡邊/廣瀨) [佐藤]
7月20日  (竹林/竹林) [柏崎]


Updates & announcements

Friendship agreement between University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City and Fukushima Medical University has been tied. ホーチミン市医科薬科大学と福島県立医科大学で友好協定締結。

All courses in the very first year with this new position completed successfully thanks to great collaboration of guest lecturers and active participation of students. 異動して初年度の講義・演習終了。ご協力いただいた講師の皆様、熱心に参加した学生の皆様、ありがとうございました。

I am serving as an editorial committee member of Ministry of Environment's handbook for evacuees who are planning to return home. The book will soon be published in March! (Picture from Dentsu building where the editorial meeting was held.) 環境省の事業で、福島県で故郷に帰る方々向けの手引書の作成に協力。ヘルスリテラシーの視点を取り入れました。3月出版!

Two health literacy workshops were carried out in Koriyama and Fukushima. The next one will be at FMU. 郡山市と福島市でヘルスリテラシー研修を実施。次回は医大。