Phase II starting!

科学研究費助成事業 国際共同研究加速基金(海外連携研究)23KK0045

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research - KAKENHI – Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research 23KK0045
Anticipating crisis: Creating Creative Health and promoting health literacy of the next generation in disaster-prone regions

Left figure: Basic concept of Phase II
Right picture: Kickoff meeting

BODY and ACT workshop practice

Prof. Nollet facilitated an online BODY workshop training for the faculty and medical students in Indonesia.

Earlier this year, Dr. Lloyd Williams facilitated an online ACT workshop training for the same group in Indonesia.

ACT, FOOD, and BODY workshops in Koori Town

Here are Joho school’s reports about FOOD and BODY workshops.

Below are pictures from the ACT workshop. After performing about their favorites in community, students said…
“Want to learn more about what we have discussed.”
“Learned difficulty of communicating without words.”
“Learned about Koori Town.”

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Activities in the first half of 2021


2021 activities.jpg

Related publications and presentation
Benski C, Goto A, Reich MR. Developing health communication materials during a pandemic. Frontiers in Communication. 2020; 5: 603656. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2020.603656
Goto A, Lloyd Williams A, Kuroda Y, Satoh K. Thinking and acting with school children in Fukushima: implementation of a participatory theater approach and analysis of the experiences of teachers. JMA Journal. 2020; 3: 67-72. doi: 10.31662/jmaj.2019-0031
木下瑠菜. 小学生の食に関する意識:食事の絵の試行的分析. 第53回日本医学教育学会大会. 2021.
(Kinoshita L. How elementary school students perceive daily meals: Quantitative analysis of students' drawings. The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Medical Education. 2021.)

Working with children in Japan

福島県内の小学校と共同でクリエイティブヘルス授業を始めています。BODY, FOOD, ACTの三部構成で、自分の体について、健康と食と家族のつながりについて、そして健康と地域のつながりについて考えを広げる授業です。学校のブログもご覧ください。



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